One of the things that I've come to realize as a parent is that once you have kids you end up living in two parallel worlds that rarely intersect. One is the "real" world of work, politics, religion, and adult culture. The other is your kid's world, which largely consists of play, school (when they're older), friends, and kid culture.
Until you have children you're usually completely out of the loop on what's going in this world of children. Once you do, it's easy (and tempting) to caught up in it to the exclusion of the "real" world which is much nastier and far more complicated.
You see this sometimes with parents who are so wrapped up in their kids that they have little clue what's going on around them in the wider world. I never understood how people could do this until I became a parent and the advantages of concerning yourself exclusively with what your children are doing (or watching) became apparent. It's much easier to debate whether Steve or Joe is a better "Blues Clues" host than what we should in Iraq.
If you know why today is the beginning of the "best day ever," you can probably relate to this observation.
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