Remember to tune in to AM1280 The Patriot WWTC tonight for the best local election coverage and commentary provided courtesy of the Northern Alliance Radio Network. We're going to be hitting the airwaves at 8pm hoping that our lead-in doesn't crater the ratings. The broadcast will continue until the results are final or Saint Paul starts complaining about his parking ticket again.
The set-up is simple. John Hinderaker, Saint Paul, and I will be providing commentary from the Republican victory party in Bloomington and serving as the public face of the NARN, while Mitch Berg and King Banaian will be reporting results from the dimly lit depths of the subterranean studio in Eagan. Michael Brodkorb will also be making the rounds at the GOP gala, providing exclusive interviews and trying to smuggle free drinks back to us at the broadcast table. If you attend tonight's Republican party, stop by and say hi. We'll be the guys with the headphones wearing the "Republican Whore" nametags.
If you can't listen to the show on The Patriot, you can always catch us on the live internet stream. If you insist on watching the election coverage on television, just turn down the sound and crank up the NARN.
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