Tonight all eyes will be on the few dozen Senate and House races that are considered to be competitive or at risk of flipping in terms of party control. Even to the casual observer, the names Corker, Casey, Cardin, and Macaca are all too familiar (and I think that firm once represented me in a tattoo removal lawsuit I was involved in a few years back).
But there are a lot of other races with prominent political celebrities running which have received absolutely no coverage nationally. Much to my surprise, and disappointment, there are a slate of rascals and jesters from the left who would seem to be prime candidates to be picked off by a reasonably competent Republican electoral machine. Yet, according to all available information, they all will be riding smooth, controlled landslides to victory tonight.
As you are watching the action tonight (or better yet listening to the NARN present Decision/Collision 2006 on AM1280 the Patriot), keep a cold eye out for these profiles in discouragement and wonder where it all went wrong:
Socialist Bernie Sanders - already discussed here).
Daniel Akaka (D-HI) - The Senator most likely to get George Allen in trouble if his name is mispronounced during a debate. This spry 82-year-old is scheduled to be a marginally less spry 88 at the end of another term. Despite the fact he could probably tell you first hand memories of the Hindenburg explosion, here is the platform he's running on this year:
On November 7th, we have an opportunity to send a strong message to the Bush Administration that it is time for a new direction for our country and our state.
Yes, we need the kind of change only possible from an 82-year-old whose been in Washington for 30 years. Actually, if this Time story can be believed, we don't have to worry about any change emanating from Mr. Akaka's corner any time soon.
After 16 years on the job, the junior Senator from Hawaii is a master of the minor resolution and the bill that dies in committee.
And this record of accomplishment gets him a 28 point lead in the polling.
Ted Kennedy (D-MA) - no exposition necessary on the record and character of this 74 year old whose been in the Senate (44 years) longer than he's been out of it . Yet no serious contender is offered by the GOP. The distinguished gentlemen up by 20 points in the latest poll.
Hillary Clinton (D-NY) - The New York GOP can't find a single actual New Yorker to seriously challenge New York's senator, by way of Arkansas and the White House. She's up by 35 points on her way to a presidential bid.
Robert Byrd (D-WV) - former Ku Klux Klan member, recruiter, and leader. The king of pork barrel politics, shamelessly and boastfully directing billions of dollars of US tax payer dollars to his pet interests in his home state. Hysterical/hyperbolic critic of the Bush administration in a state where 56% of the citizens voted for the President two years ago. And currently a spry 88-years old. He'll be a marginally less spry 94 YEARS OLD at the end of another term. Which it looks like he'll have no problem getting, currently polling at about 70% of the vote.
How does he do it? As with Socialist Bernie Sanders, he's more than happy to rob Peter to pay Paul.
I rolled up my sleeves to do the work in Congress, to secure the federal funding," Byrd told the crowd. "Yeah, man, you're looking at Big Daddy!"
And he's created a 70% majority of Pauls in West Virginia, a state that is supposed to have a conservative disposition. Even the gatekeepers of the truth in the press have shamelessly jumped on board the pork barrel express. They cite this as the primary reason people should vote for Byrd in their full-throated endorsements of the old codger. From the Charleston Gazette:
When Democrats controlled the Senate and he ruled its Appropriations Committee, he moved entire government agencies to the quiet mountains. And he provided billions for multitudes of improvements and community facilities now bearing his name. No other person has made such a mark on West Virginia.
From the Charleston Daily Mail:
Over the past 18 years, Byrd has used his clout as senior Democrat on the Senate appropriations committee to steer well over $1 billion to West Virginia. As a result, West Virginians are benefiting from better highways, schools and medical facilities.
One of his greatest triumphs was the relocation of the FBI fingerprint center to the Clarksburg area. [IRONY ALERT, IRONY ALERT] Byrd brought a massive U.S. Bureau of Public Debt complex to Parkersburg. He's responsible for hundreds of good jobs in Wheeling at the National Technology Transfer Center.
These actions and their positive electoral results tell you everything you need to know about how serious politicians in Washington will ever be about cutting spending and reconciling the national debt.
Term limits would help prevent a guy like Robert Byrd holing up in the Senate chambers for an appalling 48 years and accruing this kind of power. But the short-sighted greed of the voters is every bit as culpable in this mess. Politicians like Byrd just know the best way to exploit them and have no conscience about doing it.
Those looking for help making it through this night are advised to tune in to AM1280 the Patriot (streaming here) starting at 8 PM. Don't you dare miss it!
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