You ever have a weekend where you do absolutely nothing? Under some circumstances, spending two unproductive days can be a very good thing. But when you're forced into such slothful inactivity because of illness, it ain't no picnic.
On Friday, I came down with a case of Dengue Fever (or some other exotic dehabilitating ailment). By Saturday morning I pretty much incapacitated. Every joint, muscle, tendon, ligament, disk, and vertebrae (especially the vertebrae!) was sore and aching and sleep was well nigh impossible. My head was throbbing and my brain wracked by fever. My bowels were roiling and it was all I could do to keep down the precious sport drink that was hydrating my system.
As I mentioned, sleep did not come easy. Reading was impossible. Even listening to the high-brow discourse of talk radio proved too taxing About all I could do was prop myself up with pillows on the couch and watch TV. And watch TV I did. All I can say is thank God for college football. I watched a lot of college football and it, along with a couple of naps replete with fever-fueled dreams, was able to get me through to the start of the Gopher hockey game that night. Like I said, I watched a lot of TV on Saturday.
Sunday was better in some respects, worse in others. The fever was gone as was most of the aching, but now my body had apparently decided that the best way to dispose of the intruder within was to flush the system. Completely. Again, not conducive to getting much done. At least I was able to read and by the end of the day had managed to complete a couple of light tasks around the house. I even showered, shaved, and brushed my teeth, activities that had seemed like impossible dreams on Saturday. I also ventured outside for a spell, so I suppose saying the weekend was entirely lost is a exaggeration.
Today, I'm in the netherworld between sickness and health. I desperately want to feel "normal" again and find enough signs to indicate a complete recovery that I start believing it true. But then the retreating forces of malady will find a soft spot in my defenses and launch an unexpected counter-attack. It's an on-going battle that I must win before Thanksgiving--truly "the most wonderful day of the year"--rolls around.
How was your weekend?
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