Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Don't You Forget About Me

Highlights from John Edwards' speech ending his campaign for President:

And I want to say to everyone here on the way here today, we passed under a bridge that carried the interstate where 100 to 200 homeless Americans sleep every night. And we stopped, we got out, we went in and spoke to them.

And I spoke to some of the people who were there. And as I was leaving, one woman said to me, "You won't forget us, will you? Promise me you won't forget us."

Well, I say to her, and I say to all those who are struggling in this country, we will never forget you. We will fight for you. We will stand up for you.


No word on whether this speech was made in front of his idling private jet waiting to whisk him back to his 28,000 sq. ft. mansion in North Carolina.

Career advice for Edwards, now that his decade long run for the Presidency is over. With this knack for stumbling upon too good to be true characters and note perfect scenarios to illustrate the political points he was going to make anyway, he has the right stuff to be a metro columnist for a big city newspaper.

Today, I am suspending my campaign for the Democratic nomination for the presidency. But I want to say this to everyone: with Elizabeth, with my family, with my friends, with all of you and all of your support, this son of a mill worker is going to be just fine.

And everybody drink!

It's hard to speak out for change when you feel like your voice is not being heard. But I do hear it. We hear it. This Democratic Party hears you. We hear you once again.

And we will lift you up with our dream of what's possible: one America -- one America that works for everybody; one America where struggling towns and factories come back to life, because we finally transformed our economy by ending our dependence on oil

Because nothing says prosperity like renewable energy powered utilities.

one America where the men who work the late shift and the women who get up at dawn to drive a two-hour commute and the young person who closes the store to save for college, they will be honored for that work

And the Presidential Medal of Honor for Bad Decision Making in Where to Live Based Upon Where You Work goes to ....

one America with one public school system that works for all of our children.

Because pro-choice doesn't apply to anything controlled by the national teacher's union

Do not turn away from these great struggles before us. Do not give up on the causes that we have fought for. Do not walk away from what's possible. Because it's time for all of us -- all of us -- together, to make the two Americas one.

Please do not walk away. The next presidential election is only four years away. In the remote chance that our wretched, divided country is not unified under John Edwards' utopian vision in that time, he may need you again.

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