Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Going Postal

Another day (actually Monday), another piece of glossy Ron Paul literature in the mail. This one focused on the economy and hit the hot buttons of rising energy costs, falling home prices, and the declining dollar. It was more detailed than previous Paul mailings and that detail may have muddled the message a bit, but all in all it was another impressive piece.

It's hard for conservatives to argue with the sentiment expressed in this quote from Paul taken from the mailer:

"The time has come to rein in the federal government, put it on a crash diet, and let the people keep more of their money and liberty."

With a fresh infusion of some significant campaign cash...

Republican presidential long-shot Rep. Ron Paul may be in the single digits in most opinion polls, but he's raking in millions of dollars in cash to fund his campaign.

The Texas congressman raised more than $19.5 million during the fourth quarter, his campaign said, the first of the 15 White House hopefuls to reveal their most recent fund-raising just two days before Iowa voters hit the caucuses.

...I expect that I (and other Republicans) will be receiving more mail from Dr. Paul in the weeks ahead.

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