Thursday, January 31, 2008


One nice thing about traveling abroad is getting a break from the relentless political campaign coverage in the US media. It's a relief to be able to pick up a newspaper or turn on a TV and not be bombarded with the latest earth shattering political development (only to be eclipsed by the next day's earth shattering political development).

Unless I happen to tune that TV to CNN International. Or even worse the BBC. Their commentary on American politics is staggeringly insipid and uninformed. By comparison, CNN's coverage seems insightful and well-reasoned. Yes, it's that bad.

Speaking of insipid and uninformed, listening to the news on the state of the US economy as given by the BBC or the Australia Network would give one the impression that we were going through the Great Depression Redux. "Plunging stock markets," "housing crash," and "soaring unemployment" being but a few examples of the overwrought reporting.

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