Saturday, January 26, 2008

Shoe, Other Foot

Regarding the pathetic Rick Majerus excuses from earlier this week, Sisyphus writes in with this question about the importance of obedience and loyalty to an organization:

I wonder what Majerus' response would be to a player who publicly said something like this:

"I'm very respectful to Coach Majerus," A hypothetical St. Louis University basketball player said. "But I rely on my basketball judgments, thanks to my coaching at various elite high school and AAU basketball programs. And that elite basketball education led me to believe that I ought to shoot anytime a touch the ball. And my basketball judgment happens to differ from the coach's."

"I do not speak for the team or Coach Majerus. These are my personal views. And I'm not letting him change my mind. I think a basketball team should be inclusive of many styles of play. I would hope that all people with differing basketball judgments would feel welcome on a basketball team, and that the team would serve to bring people with all styles together, even if the styles of play are incompatible."

"These beliefs are ingrained in me," the hypothetical player told the paper. " And my First Amendment right to free speech supersedes anything that Coach Majerus would order me to do. My dad fought on Okinawa in World War II. My uncle died in World War II. I had classmates die in Vietnam. And it was to preserve our way of life, so people like me could chuck up a three whenever they touched the ball."

1 comment:

  1. I used to ignore my feet and as a consequence I've suffered a lifetime with bouts of athletes foot, toe fungus, verrucas, and chilblains. The crazy thing is that all of these foot conditions could have been easily avoided with a little foot care. Bunions
