Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Hewitt Campaign Breaks Out

Despite the fact that Hugh is trailing both King Banaian and Eric Cartman in our poll to pick the new CU president, his campaign appears to be picking up momentum as James Phillips advises us that his candidacy has now been noticed by a TV station in Denver:

Conservative Internet blogger Hugh Hewitt says he would like the opportunity to be the next President of the University of Colorado.

Oh, Hugh's one of the "Internet bloggers" as opposed to the many other types. Thanks for the clarification.

Hewitt says CU needs a president who can do a good PR job for the school.

"I've been a professor for 10 years at Chapman University Law School so I know about faculties, but I think the most important thing is that you listen to the public," Hewitt said. "You be aware of what they expect out of the university and you communicate that to the people who make up the faculty and you take care of the students."

And if they act up, you place them on double secret probation.

The good news is that Hugh's relentless self-promotion appears to be paying off.

CU Board of Regents Chairman Jerry G. Rutledge says he has received some e-mails recommending that the board consider Hewitt.

On the other hand, he does face some stiff competition.

Carrigan said e-mail recommendations have run the gamut from former pro-wrestler and Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura to Focus on the Family founder and chairman James C. Dobson.

Jesse Ventura? Isn't he a Harvard guy too?

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