Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Pistol Packin' Principals?

Yesterday in the St. Paul Pioneer Press, Mark Yost suggested that only a gun could have stopped Jeff Weise:

In the week since teenage gunman Jeff Weise walked into Red Lake Senior High School and killed five students, a teacher and a security guard before killing himself, the usual voices from the usual precincts have been asking: What can we do to keep this from happening next time? How about arming security guards, as well as a handful of administrators and teachers who volunteer to be properly trained?

I can hear the gasps echoing from Mac-Groveland to Crocus Hill. But if we think any legislation is going to stop the next Jeff Weise, we're fooling ourselves. Indeed, the idea that with the right legislation and an unlimited pot of money we can take the risk out of any of life's endeavors is simply wrong.

Bob Davis picked up on this and discussed it extensively on his radio show this morning.

Of all the post-Red Lake suggestions, this is one that actually has a realistic chance of at least limiting the impact of school shootings. I don't have much faith in the power of the schools to stop someone like Weise from deciding to go on a shooting spree in the first place. I have much more faith in the power of an armed person in the school (security guard, teacher, principal) stopping them once the shooting starts.

UPDATE: Nathan e-mails to remind us that some Body floated similar ideas in the wake of the Columbine shootings.

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