Saturday, March 05, 2005

Runnin' On Empty a.k.a. Caption Hugh

UPDATE 3/5: We're still taking entries and will continue to throughout the weekend. On Monday we'll pick the Top Ten and have a poll to determine the winner. Keep those captions coming.

Dan has a plea that I think we can all can appreciate:

Oh, Lord...PLEASE!, don't let Hewitt on Ice V be a wet T-shirt contest!

I asked Generalissimo Duane if he was interested in entering the contest. His reply:

I try to stay away from porn whenever possible.

Sage advice indeed.

UPDATE 3/3: We've received tons of great caption entries. Keep 'em coming! I think we'll set up a separate page to list them all. Then we'll choose the top ten and have a poll to determine the winner. For now, I'll list my three favorites under the photo. And yes, I am going to milk (no pun intended) this for all it's worth.

Meanwhile, Mike wonders if it's too early to start
Christmas shopping for Hugh?

Hugh Hewitt fancies himself to be a bit of a runner. In fact, after he ran the Southern California Half Marathon, he even had the temerity to compare himself to Zola Bud while mocking another runner who was unable to participate in the race due to injury.

Hugh also enjoys needling his radio producer, Generalissimo Duane for having the physique of a softball player.

Well folks, you finally have a chance to see what a true athlete looks like in action. Here's a shot of the lean mean runnin' machine as he picks 'em up and puts 'em down during the Southern California Half Marathon (competing no doubt in the Clydesdale Division:

Top Three Entries So Far

Barbara: "The Voice of Reason With The Breasts"

Katie: "Damn stalkerazzi! Why won't they leave that poor Kathleen Turner alone?!"

And finally, this beaut from Wagonboy (a regular caller to Hugh's show):

Shoes tied? Check!
Timer on watch set? Check!
Hat? Check!
Bib number 3644 secure? Check!
Man bra?
Man bra!?

Click to enlarge the image. Here is another close up of the legendary sportsman.

To celebrate the acquisition of such a priceless treasure, we've decided to have a little contest to properly caption this precious photo. Send your caption entries to:

We'll post the top ten entries and the winner will receive a special prize. Enter early, enter often.

I don't have any clever commentary to add at this point. The only thing I will say is that the weather must been a bit nippy on race day.

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