Tuesday, March 01, 2005

This Ownership Society Thing May Be Going Too Far

Hugh Hewitt is taking the concept of the "blogswarm" to the next level with his idea for the Minneapolis Star Tribune:

What, I thought, would be the result if enough bloggers from across the country agreed to be part of a "swarm the Strib to reform the Strib" project? Collect at one web site a daily digest of commentary on the lapses in objectivity and logic and the flights of lefty fancy that the paper daily indulges. If there were enough blogger volunteers, two or three could be assigned "beats," say, the second editorial every Tuesday and Thursday, or the political reporting of Washington bureau correspondent Paul Sand or politics reporters Dane Smith and Kevin Duchschere. Not every article would be a hack job, of course, and the idea of instant and certain accountability as to facts and choice of subject might even temper some of the ideological zeal of the Strib's troops. Especially if the web site also made it easy to contact Strib management and Strib advertisers.

I am suggesting an "anti-Strib," a virtual newspaper of sorts, the journalistic equivalent of a shadow government.

Hmmm...I wonder if Hugh is aware that the Anti-Strib already exists (although perhaps not in the form that he envisions)?

He's looking for volunteers, but I notice that we've already been tapped:

First we'd need an accomplished web-master/blogger who would accept the posts from the various "correspondents," vet them for accuracy, and post them. (Perhaps this heavy-lifter would get prominent linkage to their own blog, or, if there is blog ad revenue, the big slice of the pie?) Then we'd need various blogger volunteers who would be willing to take on assignments and execute (as opposed to complaining that they didn't get Nick Coleman. The Fraters guys get Nick Coleman because you shouldn't have to ask for what you already own.)

Gee Hugh, we're honored. I think. Lucky us?

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