Wednesday, March 02, 2005

The Right Girl in Right for the Right Job at the Right Time

Today is March 2 and long time readers of this site know that means only one thing. It is time to announce the Fraters Libertas official endorsements for the Golden, Colorado Special Election for City Council.

News on this race from the Twin Cities media has been scant (I blame Clear Channel). But we've done our homework with some of the provincial press and have learned that this year's race is due to the resignations of two sitting Council members. In the 4th ward, the councilperson bailed out due to her election to higher office. Interestingly, she didn't initially think that alone was grounds to leave her current job:

Green, who was elected to the represent District 23 in the Colorado House of Representatives, had planned to remain in the Ward 4 council post while serving in the legislature but found it overwhelming. "It became clear to me that I cannot keep giving my all, 150 percent, and Golden deserves that," Green said in announcing her immediate resignation.

We admire Councilperson Green's gumption, attempting to serve two constituencies simultaneously. But we object to her use of self-serving sports clichés. By definition, one's "all" is a discrete measurement, meaning no more than 100% of it can be given. If it were possible to give 150% effort, the natural question is, why not give 200%? Maybe then she could be a Golden City Councilperson and a State Representative. Why isn't she trying hard enough?

In the 2nd ward, it is adios to Councilperson Marcie Miller:

Miller recently sold her downtown Golden coffee shop, Higher Grounds, and purchased a home in Hawaii. She said the five-year plans she was making quickly and unexpectedly accelerated into a five-month plan, bringing her to a crossroads . She said she "loves this City with all her being," but believes life is calling her down a different path. She plans to take up residency in Hawaii and start an art center.

Miller said that when she was first elected, she was "an open space-loving hippie who really wanted to save the (table) mesas," and said she still is. Miller said when she started, she was skeptical of government, but thanked City Council, City Manager Mike Bestor and City staff for making her a believer in municipal government through their hard work and dedication to the City of Golden and its citizens.

We salute Councilperson Miller for pursuing her different path. People should follow their talents and skills wherever they lead. And it seems to me open space-loving hippies are a more natural fit for art centers in Hawaii than in any governmental body (at least those with budget authority).

Beautiful Golden, CO has no shortage of candidates to fill these slots. According to the Jefferson County News:

Nine Goldenites have expressed interest in the City Council positions that Gwyn Green and Marcie Miller resigned in January.

In Green's Ward 4, Barbara DesMarteau, Jacob Smith and Clay Speas have tossed their names into the hat. In Miller's Ward 2, Brian Bookmyer, Kimberly Brock, Arthur Chen, David Lack, Barbara Paden and Rodney Slaght may compete for the job.

Fine candidates all, I'm sure. But there's just something about that Barbara Paden in Ward 4 that says "vote for me."

According to her campaign web site, she's a podiatrist, a mother, and the holder of 2 NCAA championship rings for softball, and personally dedicated to historical heritage, natural environmental beauty, and economic viability. As qualifications go, not exactly an open space-loving hippie, but not bad.

The tipping point for our endorsement is that she also happens to be one of the finest up and coming bloggers in the state of Colorado. She's the Girl in Right. And I can say without hesitation, the finest foot doctor to ever occasionally submit commentary to Fraters Libertas. (And if she ever gets a blog for her practice, may I suggest the tag line: The Foot Doctor - She?s Steaming Mad at Corns!)

We wish Barbara all the best. She really is a smart, talented person, a natural leader, and would make a great elected representative.

If you live in Golden, Colorado's Ward 2 (and according to our traffic logs, we're VERY big in Golden, Colorado Ward 2), consider voting for her. If you don't live there (and according to our traffic logs, we're even bigger outside of Golden Colorado, Ward 2), consider giving her some support, rhetorical, financial, or otherwise.

None of us may personally benefit from a Barbara Paden term on the City Council in Golden, CO. But just knowing she's out there somewhere doing something right for somebody ought to give us all peace of mind. And really, how can you afford not to support some of that?

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