Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Set Them Free

Skip e-mails regarding my post on overprotective parents and passes on some advice:

Interesting article about parents and worry and faith. I have a son in Iraq (he's a Marine) and that's a real test of faith, but I wish to relate an encounter I had recently with a young man who'd like to be a Marine.

He was bagging groceries at the Vermilion Farm market and wearing a knit cap with "Marines" in bright yellow stitched to it. I asked if he planned to enlist and the cashier, also his Mom, said "definitely Not!". Mom was gonna keep her son out the service to assuage her own fears.

I told her about my son's current duty station. yes, it is quite scary, but at some point you have to let them go. The kids have to go and face the world on their own. She wanted nothing to do with that. Her son could stay close by so she wouldn't have to worry. "Don't you worry when he gets into an old beat up car with his teenaged friends? Is that really any less scary?" My theory is that at least in the service the kids get a modicum of adult supervision.

I didn't connect so I gave up on her, but as the young man was finishing up the bagging I gave him some unsolicited advice: "Tell you Mom you love her, but you have to do what you have to do. Hang on to your dreams, and, what the hell, dream big. If you think you've got what it takes to pass this ultimate test go for it otherwise you'll question yourself for the rest of your life."

I'm not a recruiter but I have to agree parents have to let go, show some trust, some faith and some separation. The kids need room to be kids.

Words of wisdom from someone who knows firsthand just how hard it can be. Kudos Skip.

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