Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Strib Broadens Its Horizons

A memo from Minneapolis Star Tribune editor Anders Gyllenhaal has been posted at Poynter Online:

I'm pleased to announce that Katherine Kersten, a high-profile newspaper and broadcast commentator in the Twin Cities and a Star Tribune editorial page columnist for eight years, will join the newsroom staff as a Metro columnist.

Katherine brings a wealth of experiences and local connections to the job. In addition to writing for the Star Tribune and other newspapers and magazines, she has worked as a commentator for "All Things Considered," practiced law, co-written a book, worked as a banker, home-schooled one of her children and served as a fellow for the Center of the American Experiment.

Katherine will join the Star Tribune in May, writing two columns a week, plus a Sunday column every third week or so, working in a part-time role, four days a week. This will mean our rotation will now include columns every day of the week, along with multiple columns on most Sundays.

While I welcome Kersten's political viewpoints to the pages of the Strib, I have to question whether this is really the proper venue for her. She's always struck me as more of a policy wonk type, rather than a general interest columnist. I could easily see a place for her on the editorial pages, but am a bit skeptical about how she will handle three columns a week in the Metro section.

Of course, I'll give her a chance to show what she can do and hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised by what she cranks out. Although the chances of seeing a column devoted to the travails of standing in line for free burritos seem pretty slim. Sigh.

(Thanks to Eloise for the tip)

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