Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Mr. Continuous

University of Minnesota Neurologist Ronald Cranford is one of Michael Schiavo's designated neurological experts, previously testifying in court to the state of Terri Schiavo's condition. On Monday he appeared on MSNBC's Scarborough County and testified further, this time to reporter Lisa Daniels:

DANIELS: Are you 100 percent correct in your opinion that Terri Schiavo is in a persistent vegetative state? Do you agree with that?

CRANFORD: I am 105 percent sure she is in a vegetative state. And the autopsy will show severe reversible brain damage to the higher centers, yes

I certainly respect Dr. Cranford's credentials and expertise in this matter. But considering he's willing to abandon the discrete nature of the volume of his certainty, 105% seems kind of paltry. Why isn't he, say, 110% sure? Frankly, I'd be hesitant to accept his diagnosis until he was - at a minimum - 200% sure on this issue.

UPDATE: Flash from Centristy emails with this incongruity:

Your post includes the quote: "... severe reversible brain damage ... "

I believe the transcript more accurately states "irreversible" (as listed in the transcript at Media Matters). Kind of makes a difference.

A good catch. In context, I'm sure Cransford intended to say "irreversible." But reviewing the MSNBC transcript, it does say "reversible." Which is almost certainly a typo by the transcriptor or an accidental misstatement by Cranford. If curious, see for yourself on the video linked at the Media Matters post (being bound by the cords of dial up prevents any independent verification on my part).

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