Tuesday, April 11, 2006

DFL Proposes Balancing Budget By Executing Tobacco Addicts & Alcoholics

Brainerd Dispatch:AP State:

Tempers flared Monday when the Minnesota House debated a welfare waiting period for new Minnesota residents.

The representatives passed the bill 94-37 after amending it to prohibit welfare recipients from using their electronic benefit cards to buy cigarettes or alcohol. The amendment also requires recipients to pay transaction fees to cover the cost of the cards.

Several Democrats said the move was mean-spirited and punished the poor.

"If we took all the people that smoke and drink and shot them all, we'd have some savings, too," said Rep. Loren Solberg, DFL-Grand Rapids.

Ladies and Gentleman, I've studied Nazi Germany, Stalin's Russia, and the Killing Fields of Cambodia; and I can say without hyperbole that this is a million times worse than all of them put together. It's an infringement on our constitutional rights. It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous.

The entire Fraters Libertas organization deplores this despicable proposal and we call on Representative Solberg to issue an immediate apology for his disgusting plan. Calls for genocide have no place in Minnesota politics and we urge all citizens of the state to rise up and let Representative Solberg and the DFL know that you will not tolerate such hate-filled rhetoric.

If you don't make a stand now, it may soon be too late. Ask yourself, who will be next? First they came for the smokers and drinkers and I did nothing. Then they...

[Editor's Note: In case you can't tell, this post was scribbled with tongue very firmly in cheek.]

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