Last November, Independent School District 196 rammed an enormous three headed monster of a levy referendum down taxpayers throats (including myself and someone else you may know). Over $31,000,000 of new taxpayer booty was shamelessly collected in an off-year election to feed an already obese beast under the guise of providing the children of ISD 196 a quality education.
It's now nearly half a year later and I have personally seen the results of such forward thinking. Today, The Boy came home with an assignment from his eleventh grade biology teacher. He will receive extra credit if he brings a roll of paper towels to class tomorrow.
Robbing the parents' cupboards. That ought to prepare the kids well for those weekends home from college, but what it has to do with learning biology I haven't the faintest idea. Maybe The Boy can "earn" an A if we take his teacher on a shopping spree at Sam's Club.
It's also good to know that even when buried under a $31,000,000 windfall my school district can't even seem to come up with enough money to provide basic supplies for the students' classrooms. Another $10,000,000 or so and they can finally put toilet paper in the restrooms.
Tomorrow morning I fully expect to see The Boy's bus driver in my garage sucking gas out of my tank with a rubber hose. They'll stop at nothing to provide a quality education for the children, you know.
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