He's recently appeared on Kudlow and Co, Hardball with Chris Matthews, The Larry King Show, Tucker Carlson, C-Span, The Wall Street Journal Editorial Report, Kevin McCullough, Laura Ingraham, Dennis Prager, Hannity and Colmes, The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer, and What Not To Wear. But none of those experiences can prepare Hugh Hewitt for what he will encounter this Saturday when he comes on the Northern Alliance Radio Network show. Hugh will be joining us 11:30am central time for what should prove to be a fun filled half hour of radio.
There's a rumor floating around that Hugh has a new book out. In fact, I understand that is you purchase 12,000 copies of "Painting The Map Red", ship them to an African village for use as building material for a new medical clinic, and send Hugh the receipt, you'll receive a complimentary pair of autographed, expandable waistband khaki Dockers.
Then, Frank Kelly Rich, author of the book The Modern Drunkard and the editor of Modern Drunkard Magazine, will belly up to the bar with us at noon. We'll be discussing the differences between the modern approach to drinking and the more traditional method that old school drunkards like Atomizer subscribe to. Is ecumenicalism within the ranks of drinkers a real possibility or merely a pink elephant? Tune in on Saturday and find out.
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