Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Red Carpet Alert

I see Ed Morrissey was being a little coy over at Captain's Quarters:

I'm in the nation's capital this evening for an event, so blogging will be light. I'll have more to say about the event itself later this evening. It should be a night to remember, though ...

In Washington DC for an event, what could that be? My guess would have been the keynote address at a Free Cynthia McKinney Rally. But I need guess no more, as Editor and Publisher dropped the dime on Ed first:

The Week, which collects opinions and articles from a string of publications every seven days, announced its annual opinion awards Tuesday night, honoring winners that span the old-world print of The New York Times to the new age of blogging.

At a gala in the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium in Washington, D.C., the publication bestowed its awards on Nicholas D. Kristof of the New York Times, for columnist of the year; Mike Luckovich of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and Creators Syndicate, for editorial cartoonist of the year; and Ed Morrissey for blogger of the year.

It seems single-handedly knocking over the Canadian government has its rewards (that is, even beyond the primary benefit - hacking off a bunch of hosers). Congratulations to Ed for this well deserved honor. It's even more impressive considering the company he's keeping:

Finalists in each category were:

Blogger of the Year:
* John Aravosis
* Arianna Huffington
* Brendan Loy
* Michelle Malkin

No, not those people! Winning an award with Arianna Huffington as your competition is roughly equivalent to being the greatest salsa dancer in Canada (sorry Gordon Sanchez-McAllister). I mean these people:

Last year's winners were Peter Beinart of The New Republic for Columnist of the Year, Tom Toles of The Washington Post as Editorial Cartoonist of the Year, and PowerLine as Blogger of the Year..

Good to see Ed is keeping the award in the family for another year. And if this pattern is indicative of future results, I'd advise the folks at Spitbull to start polishing up their tuxedos for next year.

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