Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Fairness Doctrine

Last month, I poked a bit of fun at an advertisement that featured an impersonation of Ronald Reagan running on local radio station AM-1280 The Patriot. This Saturday after the NARN show, the owner of the company that ran the ad, who also happens to be the man who did Reagan's voice, called to express his disagreement with my review.

I explained that no offense was intended and apologized if any was taken. I also opined that when you put yourself out in public, you should expect people to occasionally have a little fun at your expense. It kind of comes with the territory.

Upon further reflection, I decided that it would appropriate to allow John to have an opportunity to respond in the same forum where the review initially appeared. Unlike newspapers, there is no Page Two on blogs where we can bury corrections in 8pt font and we most certainly don't have a "Reader's Representative" to justify our actions, refuse to admit mistakes, and cavalierly dismiss criticism (although at times such an apologist certainly would come in handy).

So here is the response (unedited except for the removal of the name of a third party not germane to the discussion) from John "Augie" Giese:

Serving in Iraq was an honor for me at the age of 42, and I finally accepted being middle age because my body couldn't do all the things it did at the age of 19 when I first entered the Army in 1982. Having said that, I regularly used humor within the company to keep things at ease, and my impersonation of Ronald Reagan seemed to be the most popular with everyone. It was so popular, that the convoy commander requested hearing from "The President" over the radio before we departed our FOB and it was with bipartisan enjoyment. We were all truck drivers and the schedule was grueling most of the time with little sleep with the need to deliver the supplies to many parts of Iraq. I never heard one complaint from any Democrat or Republican during my tour and everyone found it to be very entertaining, and in a way, a charm of Good Luck before every convoy as many put it.

When I returned home for good this past December, I wanted to increase my advertising and called the Patriot. I left **** ****, the salesman, a message as Ronald Reagan and he loved it. He suggested using it in the ad and I agreed that it would be a tribute and also entertaining on the radio. Personally, I believe that if Ronald Reagan himself had been alive to hear it, he would laugh and find it amusing. He routinely laughed at many things, and loved Rich Little's impersonation of him as well. I only received one negative phone call over its airing and Fraters Libertas found it to be ...."the worst impersonation of Ronald Reagan (peace be upon him) ever...." I found that review to be questionable, not because of the quality of the impersonation, but rather because it had to do with my company and how it was perceived within the eyes of the public.

Chad The Elder, graciously allowed me to post this explanation (upon his suggestion) after I talked with him about his review of the ad on April 15th. As he told me, his review was meant to be "light-hearted" and I felt much better knowing that it wasn't an attack upon my business as a whole. Having a wife, and six kids all under the age of 14, I need all the good press and business I can get so I can pay the bills just like everyone else. I thank Chad for this opportunity to explain myself and I also accept his apology.

I'm very grateful to be home safely and may all of us remember in prayer the 2616 brave warriors and their families (as of 4/17/06) that didn't make it home, especially, Gavin Colburn a member of my platoon who died on April 22nd, 2005 while driving his truck in Iraq.

I thank John for his service to the country and encourage you to patronize his company for all your sewer and drain cleaning needs.

Augie's Sewer & Drain Cleaning 763-546-5000


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