Tuesday, March 11, 2003

Mark Dayton On Leadership

For all those of you out there who just can't get enough of Minnesota Senator Mark Dayton (our extensive market research indicates an insatiable demand) here's a telling excerpt from an editorial he authored in today's Star Tribune:

What will it cost in American and Iraqi lives? Will it bring terrorist reprisals against the United States, and will those attempts be thwarted? What will an occupation of Iraq require, and what kind of government will follow? Will other Middle East conflicts improve or deteriorate? What will be the war's effects on U.S. world leadership, on our relationship with allies and adversaries, and on the stability of other world flash points: India and Pakistan, North and South Korea, China and Taiwan?

They will all be measures of the president's skill and wisdom. The world will be very different, because of his decisions and actions. Whether for better or worse, we first will experience -- then, with others, will judge.

Is that what you call leadership Mark? Asking a bunch of hypothetical questions, offering no answers yourself, and then judging the president's decisions in hindsight? It's actually the first time I'm seen a Dem admit what their attitude toward the war really is. Don't take a stand now. Wait to see how it turns out and then claim that's what you favored all along.

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