What About The Mornings?
Every day at my workplace we are subjected to a barrage of crappy, sappy, music broadcast over the PA system. And it's the same music in the same order every single day. When I hear the high pitched wailing of "There has to be a morning after..." I know it's 10:40am. That horrendous 'Titanic' song by Celine Dion? Must be 1:15pm.
I believe our company only alters it's selection once a year. Right now we're going with Bad Love Songs For Corporate Drudgery Volume VI. It was probably pitched to us as "Your workplace sucks and so do our songs." Soul numbing, spirit crushing music designed to break down our resistance and not question the corporate mind speak. "Why yes I do believe in our mission and vision. Allow me to recite them for you..."
Anyway the other day I found myself actually listening to the lyrics of Air Supply's dreadful Even The Nights Are Better, probably for the first time ever, and I realized that they make no sense. When you say that "even the nights are better now that we're here together" and "even the nights are better since I found you" it implies that the nights were going pretty good without you and I wasn't really expecting them to be better with you but wow am I pleasantly surprised. Aren't the nights the easy part? You get all gussied up, go to dinner, maybe a movie, come back to your pad, drink wine and consummate your love on the shag rug in front of the fire place. Then you go to bed, possibly get another bout of love making in, before peacefully falling asleep in each other's arms (in real life of course men roll over and fall asleep within thirty seconds).
I would think that when you're alone the nights are the toughest. During the day you're busy doing this or that but nighttime is the lonely time when it's just you and your thoughts. So it would follow that once you meet someone and fall in love the nights would obviously be better.
The song also addresses the daytime as well with the line "even the days are brighter when someone you love's beside ya" which tends to diminish the whole "even the nights are better.." effect since they've now spread the beneficial impact of being in love over most of the twenty four hour day.
The song would have greater meaning if it focused on the morning. When you get up in the morning you're unkempt, smelly, have bad breath, need to pee, possibly are hung over, if you're a man are likely scratching yourself, and don't want to talk to nobody about nuthin'. You're not exactly God's gift to the opposite sex at this time. Being alone ain't necessarily such a bad thing. If you can say or even better sing "Even the mornings are better since I found you..." then you know you've got something.
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