Wednesday, March 26, 2003

All That Is Humanly Possible

MN House Minority Leader Matt Entenza "Doing All That Is Humanly Possible To Assist And Support The Troops"

According to the official DFL Caucus Web site, last Wednesday, House Minority Leader Matt Entenza somberly stood by the families of young Minnesotans currently serving in the military and said the following:

"During the next few weeks and months, it's also important that we remember the sacrifice being made by the families and loved ones of our troops," Entenza said. "The parents, wives and children of our troops are all carrying a heavy burden. We also have an obligation to do all that is humanly possible to assist and support them during these difficult times."

And by that, I presume he means this?

I suppose these images aren't 100% damning, in that Entenza's not pictured lighting up Old Glory with the business end of a spliff or something. However, it is entirely damning by association. As shown below, the anti-war rally at Macalester on Saturday was nothing but an attack on the Bush Administration, the armed forces and the good old US of A.

And who was there in attendance? Smiling, laughing it up, glad-handing like it was the happiest day of his life? None other than Matt Entenza. That is, he was smiling until the paparazzi arrived, at which point he was hustled away by his handlers, as if he had something to be ashamed of.

People holding signs proclaiming Bush is the butcher of Baghdad, Bush is the real terrorist, Bush is a Nazi lunatic. And Matt Entenza is fraternizing and celebrating with them?!

Slandering the Commander-in-Chief? Eroding popular support for the perilous mission assigned to our brave soldiers? Is this what you mean, Matt Entenza by doing "everything possible to support the troops"? Well, Matt, is it!?

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