Wednesday, March 12, 2003

The Times They Keep On Spinning

This headline in today's NY Times struck me as amusing:

Sandbags Already on Streets, Baghdad Is a City in Waiting

Already? The Iraqis have probably been filling sandbags in Baghdad for six months. Already? Hell, they've could have been pouring concrete reinforced bunkers since December. Already? An entire city could have been built underneath Baghdad during this long, seemingly never ending, crawl towards war.

Not surprisingly the story continues on to take a few shots at President Bush:

The fact that President Bush stresses his Christian faith has given Muslim fundamentalists inside Iraq new ammunition to use against the Christian community here, one of the world's oldest. In recent decades it has shrunk to under a million, or less than 3 percent of Iraq's 24 million people.

Remember that if you hear any stories about Christians being persecuted in Iraq. It's all Bush's fault.

It gets better:

"The fanatics in Iraq are using it as an excuse to act against the Christians," Bishop Warduni said. He said Christians are unsettled about the possibility of attacks against them, especially if any war results in the kind of violent anarchy that southern Iraq experienced after the Persian Gulf war.

In fact many Iraqis fear renewed anarchy. Given that Mr. Hussein has been in power for more than three decades, his abrupt departure might create the kind of vacuum where violence thrives.

Got that? The toppling of Saddam Hussein's brutal dictatorship which has resulted in the loss of more than a million Iraqi lives might lead to INCREASED violence. Once again it will all be Bush's fault.

And of course the reporter's interviews with Iraqis in Baghdad were completely open and we're sure that what Iraqis told him were what they really thought and there wasn't any threats of coercion or reprisal from the regime. Right?

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