Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Motley Crue Live at Macalaster College

Pictures from last Saturday's anti-war rally in St. Paul:

Big big smiles-There's nothing funnier than using a symbol of genocide to make a partisan politcal point.

As reported in the media a broad cross section of society was on hand. What they didn't report, was that the society in question was the Little Havana section of the North Pole.

Right,right the President of the United States is a lunatic. And a bitter, frigid divorcee from Frogtown is the epitome of mental health.

If you actually think Bush is a terrorist, you may also believe this shower cap has seen a shower in the last month.

We have reason to believe this person is actually a Palestinian midget.

This woman is either grieving the expected loss of Iraqi children or she's coming to grips with the fact that she's actually married to the man on her left.

Minnesota Public Radio's Katherine Lanpher making a rare public appearance.

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