The Crushing of Dissent 1-2-3
Last night we furtively huddled in the basement of an undisclosed location in the western suburbs of Minneapolis clandestinely watching the Wild-Ducks hockey game. We kept one eye on the hockey game and one eye on the door half expecting the jack booted thugs of Hockey Commissioner (more accurately Commissar) Hugh Hewitt to come crashing through it at any moment and haul us off to one of the camps.
You haven't heard of the camps?
People only dare whisper about them around here but from the few details that have emerged the "re-education"camps were designed by the despotic Hewitt himself and built deep in the North Woods of Minnesota. "Campers" are required to study Hewitt's In, But Not Of for hours on end and must carry a copy of the book with them at all times. They are forced to watch propaganda films regaling the glory days of the Browns and Indians (all in black and white of course). The diet consists mostly of a heavy regimen of Vitaganza products and the camp's loudspeakers blare Canned Heat's Going Up The Country twenty four hours a day. It's the closet thing to hell on earth yet devised by man.
That is the fate that awaits us if we fall into the nefarious clutches of Hewitt. He is, at this very moment, preparing a "proclamation" banning us from all hockey related activities in Minnesota and threatening to send us into exile after the playoffs are over. When Hugh learned that I was leaving the state to play in a hockey tournament in Chicago this weekend he darkly hinted that he might seal the border and not allow my return.
What has brought about this unprecedented wave of terror and repression?
We dared to raise our voices and speak out. We said that we're mad as hell that a Ducks fan is our Hockey Commissioner and we're not going to take it.
Can there be any doubt at this point that Hugh is not acting in the best interests of the state as our Hockey Commissioner? How else to explain the Wilds 2-0 deficit in the series with the hated Ducks then the presence of a Fifth Column here in Minnesota led by Hewitt from his So Cal redoubt?
Wake up hockey fans of Minnesota (and elsewhere). Rise up and shake off the chains of oppression and fear.
Read the petition to Recall Hugh Hewitt and act upon it.
This battle is not just for Fraters Libertas it is for all lovers of liberty and hockey.
Take comfort in our motto: The Fraters can die but cannot yield.
To victory!
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