Thursday, May 01, 2003

A Failing Grade For The Academic Left

Steven Den Beste at USS Clueless writes that the war with Iraq forced many left leaning professors, deeply embedded on our college campuses, to enter the arena of public debate and they didn't fare much better than the Republican Guard:

They had to try to persuade other citizens to their point of view (opposing the war, opposing nationalism as such and America in particular, opposing capitalism and globalization, and all the other opposings we've come to know and love about the academic left's political activism). It means that their ideas, previously developed and spread largely in hermetic isolation, were necessarily subjected at long last to empirical test, and didn't pass that test.

And they failed miserably. It's hardly surprising; after 20 years of intellectual masturbation they didn't produce any babies. Their ideas were revealed as being empty. What they mostly reaped was ridicule. Their proposals didn't pass the horselaugh test.

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