Sunday, May 11, 2003

Hugh Throws Down

In response to my post yesterday questioning his sports allegiance, renowned talk radio show host Hugh Hewitt, takes a break from book signing and offers this rebuttal:

Elder: I spent a good amount of my on-air time yesterday arranging for the Gov and Senator Coleman to sit with the Mayor of Anaheim in his box at the Pond this Wednesday, and this is the thanks I get. I suppose I could have arranged for one more seat, but it’s a little late for that now. Still a little bitter over the Twins rough handling at the hands of the Angels, eh? You are in the middle of a play-off daze, something I realize is rare for Minnesota sports fans, so I will explain a few things for you.

First, the best professional sports fans in the world are from Northeast Ohio. The Cleveland Browns are the most storied franchise in NFL history, and if it wasn't for the low-rent man-who-must-not-be-named, the dominance of the team in the late '90s would have made that clear even to a Vikings fan.

That the Indians fans are the best is simply attested to by the fact that no other franchise has entered the bottom of the ninth of the seventh game of the world series, lost the game, and still been greeted rapturously by their fans.

Next, Jim Tressel has built a dynasty in a single year. Maurice Clarett is from Warren, Ohio, home of the best high school football in America. Deal with it.

You may not know that Ohio State also won the synchronized swimming championship, which is on a par with the hockey championship, since the hockey championship doesn't really matter compared to the Bean Pot.

The other significant college football franchise, Notre Dame, is basically an Ohio expansion club. Just so you have a note in your files, when ND plays for OSU, I pull for ND.

This is because in sports affections, as in politics, there is a hierarchy of allegiance. Sure, I like the Angels, unless the Tribe is in town. The backyard clubs aren't the hometown clubs, but they have to do.

Now, you may have missed it, but the Gov. did name me Commissioner of Minnesota Hockey on air a few weeks back after neglecting to review my application to become DNR Commissioner. In that capacity, I could ban you for life from Minnesota hockey in all its forms. So watch your step.

And I am sorry about the big whack that is coming the Wilds' way. I am not much of a Ducks fan, just an objective observer of that mysterious force called momentum.


So you're saying there still might be a chance to get me into the mayor's suite on Wednesday night?

I have to admit that Hugh does have a point about the Browns. They once were a dominant football team. And then the forward pass was invented.

Twins fans don't know much about choking away the World Series in Game Seven since the last couple of times our squad has been there we've won the big game. In the Indians defense they were playing one of the more storied teams in baseball history. The Florida Marlins. Yeah, no shame in losing to that baseball dynasty.

As for the two time defending national championship Gopher hockey team what more needs to be said other than that they became the first team in over thirty years to win back-to-back titles. Put that in your Beanpot and smoke it.

Finally the fact that Governor Pawlenty named Hugh as the Hockey Commissioner of Minnesota is a travesty and I believe that we see the negative reaction to it reflected in Pawlenty's sliding approval ratings. The good people of Minnesota will not allow this disgrace to stand. We cannot have a Hockey Commissioner who knows next to nothing about the sport, has never played hockey (at least Dwayne had the guts to get on the ice at last winter's Hugh Hewitt on Ice event unlike Hugh who very conveniently claimed to have a shoulder injury), and worst of all is a Ducks fan (admittedly a lukewarm one at that).

In response to the enormous public outcry the crack legal staff here at Fraters is at this very moment burning the midnight oil to draft a recall petition to rescind the appointment of Hugh Hewitt as Hockey Commissioner of the North Star State. The draft is scheduled to be finalized tomorrow and we expect to get the required 10,000 signatures within hours of its release to the public. The petition will then be hand delivered to Governor Pawlenty's desk and we expect him to officially reverse his appointment shortly thereafter.

Sign it early. Sign it often.

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