Piling On
Looking for more Ron Rosenbaum bashing? You've come to the right place. E.B., a reader, describes Rosenbaum perfectly with this e-mail:
I enjoyed a long e-correspondence with RR from about Chandra Levy to the 2002 Senate election. All was fairly chummy until Norm won and the "war on terror" started cutting into his liberal spleen. Here's a sample:
"...and by the way, keep you eye on the bushies "parallel legal system" for so-called terrorism suspects. this is right up your alley. if you loved the legal systems of guatemala, argentina and east germany, you'll love this. once this is in place, if it isn't now, guys like you will be able to put guys like me, once and for all, where we belong."
All this because Jose Padilla couldn't meet with a lawyer, and RR thought "enemy combatant" had so loose and arbitrary a definition that even he would soon be removed to the secret gulags set up by the Texas Oil cabal, having already escounced with an election belonging to the more popular Al Gore.
RR's a typical liberal, all told, facile in his opinions and quick to wrap himself in the banner of victimhood at the first whiff of contradiction. He seems to know alot of things but understands little. He knows what he knows but he doesn't know how he knows it. He just knows it's true.
I ended our correspondence after responding to the missive excerpted above, as it seemed pointless to continue discussion with an esteemed attorney-turned-talkshow host who couldn't tell the difference between John Aschcroft and Joe Stalin. You know, if it isn't true, it should be true, and this is why anybody who disagrees with RR is wrong. You recognize the technique, of course.
That he should receive accolades from The City Pages is a fitting tribute. Now he's right up there where he belongs........ with Dan Savage...........
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