Get Off My Side
Ann Coulter.
Sigh. Sorry but I had a lengthy spiel planned on how commentator and author Ann Coulter and, in particular, her most recent book Treason did far more harm than good for the conservative cause and that I would rather not have her and her ilk on my side of the ideological fence. That was before the explosion of similar commentary by folks far better equipped to explain the troubles with Ann. It just feels like so much redundant piling on at this point.
The avalanche began with this piece at Spinsanity that detailed the factual errors and many misstatements made by Coulter in Treason . It was followed in short order by dissections of Coulter by Andrew Sullivan, Dorothy Rabinowitz at OpinionJournal, David Horowitz at FrontPage Magazine, and our Northern Alliance brethren at Power Line.
Everything that needs to be said about Coulter and her silly book has been said. Even the Minneapolis Star Tribune reprinted the Spinsanity piece by Brendan Nyhan on the editorial page the other day (funny how they never saw fit to reprint Spinsanity's many articles exposing the gross distortions of Michael Moore).
The only point that I would like to add is that despite popular perceptions when it comes to looks Ann Coulter ain't all that and a bag of peanuts. Sure among the pundit class she looks quite attractive especially when compared to, say, the likes of Molly Ivins but that isn't exactly a tall order. She's a decent looking gal. But she is not, as Andrew Sullivan described her, a "babe" by any means. Andrew might have a better appreciation of the subtle masculinity of George Will or the baby faced charm of Jonah Goldberg but I think he's out of his league when starts talking about how Ann Coulter looks amazing.
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