"Somethin' Nastier Than Hell"
The American conservative movement is nothing if not disparate. From the buttoned-down, middle-aged punditry by the likes of Will, Kondracke and Hindrocket to the fairly young and hot new crop of right-winged women Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin to black conservatives like Walter Williams and John McWhorter. It’s definitely a diverse group of folks.
But I was not aware of exactly how diverse This Thing Of Ours was until I tuned in C-SPAN Deuce last night to see The Ultimate Warrior berating a group of students at the National Conservative Student Conference in DC yesterday.
Yes, that is the same Ultimate Warrior (know to some as the Anabolic Warrior) who used to star in the WWF. Don’t even try to tell me you didn’t watch it at some point.
His wrasslin’ days behind him, it seems Warrior (his actual legal name..go here for his site) is now a conservative and apparently makes his living giving the kind of bizarre, long-winded speeches like the one I viewed last night.
He’s not dumb, but he doesn’t quite know how to present his thoughts well. He seems to have a huge chip on his shoulder because people think he’s a dumb jock and he’s going to prove them wrong if he has to scream every word to do it.
The speech was alternatively tediously pretentious (referencing every Barlett’s quote he could get his mitts on) and embarrassingly slackwitted (“...everything liberalism has touched has turned into somethin’ nastier than hell”).
This went on for more than an hour. At one point he began asking confusing rhetorical questions like “Who doesn’t think that the founding fathers wouldn’t not want everyone to be free?” He then waited for the show of hands and when it wasn’t what he expected yelled “And you call yourselves CONSERVATIVES!?”
Okay, so I’m being a little hard on the guy, but he is fighting the good fight. The guy is intense and his success in “sports entertainment” is remarkable. His aim now is to educate as many non-conservative youts as possible about the founding fathers and what they meant to this country. Or, in his words “My goal is to inspire people to want to understand what the basic philosophy of America is. If they do, the respect for IT will follow -- as will the reverent following of IT. As a Conservative, I want to protect and conserve that.”
So God bless him I say. Even if he has a mission statement and it goes like this:
Mission statement: To think, act and believe through my own thoughts and actions in a manner, alone and while interacting with all others, that convinces any eyes and ears upon me that each human life is to be made important and taken serious, and that one should do in one's lifetime that which will live forever.
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