But My Kitty Is So Pretty
For me, the name Emily Dickinson conjures up images of hairy, earnest womyn sitting in a classroom in some women’s college on the east coast discussing with great seriousness how the poet was the first lesbian to fully challenge the patriarchy in an era where women were often relegated to...you get the drift.
In other words, most people snicker when her name is mentioned. Unless, that is, you live in the Mac Groveland neighborhood of St. Paul. In this neighborhood, most residents actually have several copies of her collected works on their bookshelves. She is one of the early heroes of the left and no Wellstone! sign bearer would be caught dead giving anything but complete lip service to her.
In this context rises a new candidate for the 2nd Ward of the St. Paul City Council, Elizabeth Dickinson, some kind of distant relative of the First Womayn.
So what does Elizabeth propose for her platform? Aside from the typical radical environmental gobbledygook, she wants the following:
Create better signage, especially in the downtown so shopping, businesses and cultural attractions can be located more easily.
Create some sort of people-mover, so important links between hotels, shopping, and cultural attractions can be accessed more easily.
Some sort of people mover.
And since the local chapter of the NAGS has given her their stamp of approval, there's something in it for them:
Promote future women leaders. Currently only 22% of elected officials in the U.S. are women. I intend to hold an essay contest and interview for female high school students. The selected women could be mentored by women officials for school credit.
Why of course! An essay. How perfectly Mac Groveland of her. I too will holding an essay contest. Topic: Find the most creative way for Mitch Berg’s property taxes to be paid after people like Dickinson are elected.
And what is Mz. Dickinson’s background?
Some type of political training? Maybe she managed or at least worked on someone’s campaign? Not quite:
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, American Institute of Hypnotherapy, California
Certified Yoga Teacher, The Center for Yoga, California
Certified Feng Shui practitioner
But perhaps I am being too harsh on Elizabeth. This final honor she proudly lists on her web site is indeed something to be proud of and an excellent reason to cast a vote for her:
2002 Cat Photograph selected for 2003 Friskies calendar.
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