Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Generation Gap Sinks Fraters Trivia Team

The tension at Keegan’s pub before the start of Tuesday night's trivia contest was palpable. You could almost see it hanging in the air like the billowing smoke arising from the table where the Atomizer's family (a.k.a. Team K) was hunkered down. The patriarch of Team K was talking smack as I suppose he was entitled to do with his team on a three week winning streak and all (all three victories coming despite or possibly due to the absence of the Atomizer). You need to walk the walk if you're going to talk the talk and Team K had been walking over all comers of late.

But this time they faced a new challenge. For the first time in Keegan's trivia history three members of the Fraters Libertas staff would be competing on one team. Plus we had my wife on board as well to give us some gender diversity. We were ready to dethrone Team K. Our pencil was sharp. Our minds even sharper.

Alas it was not to be. We finished with a respectable score of 20 out of a possible 25 which placed us in third just out of the money (free drinks). On two of the questions we missed we had the correct answer offered up but unwisely elected to go with another choice. On the other three we didn't have much of a chance.

1. What city and country was Florence Nightingale born in?

2. In the 40's who was the second most recognizable female after Eleanor Roosevelt?

3. What is the name of the controversial Barbie doll with removable tattoos?

Team K meanwhile chalked up 23 correct to once again take the top prize. At least this time there didn't appear to be any collusion between the owner of Keegan's and Team K. They won fair and square. Well as fair and square as possible considering they had six people at their table despite the rules clearly stipulating no more than four per team. But that wasn't really a factor. The better team won last night and they were not shy about letting us know about. Winners talk, losers walk.

In the aftermath of the defeat we discussed the causes of our downfall and what we could do differently next time. We all agreed that one of our weaknesses was that all four members of our team were in close proximity of age. We're all Gen X'ers or members of the Thirteenth Generation as I much prefer to label it, and we lack the generational diversity of Team K. Either that or we all ate too much lead paint as kids.

We also realized that the true strength of the Team K familia lay not in the paters but rather with the maters. We could stand toe to toe against the Atomizer and his pere any day but the mother proved to be the difference maker. As the Atomizer's sister said, "My mom knows all kinds of obscure stuff." Like the name of the Barbie with removable tattoos for instance.

So we're looking to expand our horizons. If you're a woman fifty five to seventy five of sound mind and possessing plenty of useless knowledge who doesn't mind wasting your Tuesday evenings we have a spot for you. Being a mother a plus. A grandmother is even better. Resumes now being accepted.

In case you're curious it's Florence, Italy Betty Crocker and Butterfly Art Barbie.

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