Ga-ack! Rush Limbaugh Is In My Paper! And My Bathing Suit Still Doesn't Fit!
On Sunday the Minneapolis Star Tribune published an editorial by Rush Limbaugh, the significance of which I noted here. Not surprisingly the appearance of Rush's piece drew the ire of some of the tolerant, open minded, and intellectually enlightened lefties in town. Here's my fav from Wednesday's Letters from readers:
I was troubled when I saw that the Star Tribune featured a commentary by Rush Limbaugh, a notorious racist hatemonger whose points of view are more about sharpening the sword of divisiveness than uniting us.
He is nothing but a right-wing demagogue and haranguer of the intolerant and undereducated.
I will not hesitate to discontinue my subscription should more of his work appear in so prominent a position again. It is embarrassing to have such a paper delivered to the door of my otherwise enlightened and tolerant home and community. To have this hideous scourge occupy this prime space in your paper as you did shames us all as Minnesotans.
-Cathy Grisham, Minneapolis.
You know I understand where Cathy is coming from and feel her pain. The idea that you would have to open your Sunday paper and read commentary from someone who represents an extreme viewpoint that you vehemently disagree with is quite disturbing...
Wait a minute. Isn't that exactly what I (and other local conservatives) have been going through with the Strib for about TWENTY FREAKIN' YEARS ?!?!
Gee Cathy I'm so sorry that you seeing an editorial by Rush Limbaugh in the Strib spoiled your perfect little day. Welcome to my world. Or more accurately my nightmare. I've had to put with a continuous barrage of the leftist rantings of Krugman, Dowd, Scheer, and worst of all Molly bleepin' Ivins staring me in the face at the breakfast table day after day, year after year. Publishing one editorial by Rush doesn't even begin to compensate for the suffering that I've endured at the hands of the Strib editorial page.
Don't become too troubled about editorials you don't like Cathy. You'll learn to live with it baby. I have.
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