Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Skinny Kid or Stick-borne Batter-fried Meal?

Fraters reader PB weighs in with some heavy thoughts on the State Fair:

The total lack of both car racing and country music acts at the Minnesota State Fair (MSF) led to a Minnesota resident (presumably rural) being quoted in the local papers as saying something to the effect that the Minnesota State Fair has now officially abandoned its rural roots and is actually the Minnesota Twin Cities Fair. Of course, the absence of machinery on Machinery Hill has been shouting that message for several years.

Not to imply that rural folks eat healthier than urbanites, but I think the food habits at The MSF may also reflect the change. Each year, when the local media begin mentioning The MSF in mid-July or so, the main topic of discussion is food, especially what food product will be skewered and deep-fried for the first time ever. Not only do they *mention* mass-consumption of deep-fried junk food, they *CELEBRATE* it. There has not been a single newscast or newspaper edition in the last 2 weeks that didn't make a glowing reference to deep-fried fair food. It is apparently the number 1 reason for going to the The MSF.

With that emphasis from promoters, it stands to reason that the customer base would be mostly bottom heavy. In fact, noticeably so. The last few times I have been to the fair it was more and more visibly obvious, to the point that I have now stopped going entirely. As someone with only 30% bodyfat, I was seen as either the weird skinny kid or a possible stick-borne batter-fried meal.

I skipped the fair this year, and probably will do so for some time to come, until the emphasis turns to something other than food.

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