Friday, August 15, 2003

Great Day For A Ballgame; Let's Play Like Girls

Attended the Twins game yesterday due to some free ducs by the Elder's company. Great seats right on the third base line. The Corona was flowing nicely. And the team completely sucked up the jernt.

After taking our seats, we soon realized that Angel Hernandez was umping third base. The same lousy Angel Hernandez that had such a bizarre notion of balls and strikes behind the plate in the game the day before.

We started in on him immediately, letting him know what we thought of him. (One of the guys in our group started mocking him with a ridiculous, but quite funny Speedy Gonazalez accent. I had to put the kibosh on it though as I feared getting tossed.) Nothing but attitude, he folded his arms and stared directly at us, then made the drinking sign by holding his thumb up to his mouth.

Boy you got us there, Angel.

As the Twins proceeded to get hammered by the rather lowly Cleveland Indians (and a few more Coronas were overserved to us) we started in on the Twins and how they hadn't scored a damn run in 21 innings.

The people around us acted as if we had just suggested Harmon Killebrew was over-rated or that We Don't Like It Here or something. After James "Notes Of A Native Son" Baldwin offered up his fourth homer of the week and we let him know it, a man turned around and glared at us for about a minute as if berating a team that is choking away a chance at the pennant were somehow morally wrong.

As the elder pointed out, had a team like the Red Sox stunk it out at home as bad as our lads did, there would have been nothing but anger and a chorus of boos. The We Like It Here's just kind of happily shuffled out of the Dome with looks of "whatever" on their mugs.

As others are saying, it aint happening for the Twins this year if yesterday was any indication...and I think it was.

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