Friday, August 01, 2003

Sounding Off

I suspected something might be a little off with my analysis yesterday of the affect of 5 decibels on loudness. But I've never let nagging suspicions get in the way of making a lovesick squirrel reference.

It now appears I did slightly understated the truth (forgive me, I'm a product of the public school system). Thankfully, Fraters Libertas has readers like Sean Sorrentino to set me straight.

I am sure that I won't be the only person to write and tell you about the nature of the decibel scale. a change of 10dB is equivelent to doubling the loudness of a noise. for example, the change from 70dB is twice as loud as 60dB. The chart linked will give you some info on them, but I would like to draw your attention to the part where it says that 1 dB is imperceptible, 3 dB is barely perceptible, and 5 is clearly perceptible.

That being said, 60-70 dB is the range of normal conversation. that sounds like your interventionist Senator is whining that a person might have to talk a bit more loudly every time a plane flys over. Not a bad price to pay for someone that bought a house in the flight path of an airport.

Sean Sorrentino

Good points all Sean, especially that last one about our whining, interventionist Senator. Now that the scientific community has weighed in on this issue, perhaps we'll see a retraction from Dayton's office later today.

But hopefully we won't get any feedback from Sean Connery's publicity machine after they see another reader's observation about another source I quoted yesterday:

I haven't seen League for the Hard of Hearing. Does Sean Connery put on a good performance? I kind of thought the premise of the movie was a little lame.

James Phillips
Folsom, Calif.

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