Thursday, September 04, 2003

Another Incident of Looting, Chaos

Last week we got a call from the local chapter of the ARC asking if we wished to have a pickup scheduled at our house to donate household items. It just happened that we were looking to dispose of our lunky ancient microwave which hailed from 1977 and weighed about sixty pounds. But it still worked and ARC said they would take it so we arranged for a truck to stop by this week.

Yesterday morning, thinking that the ARC truck would be by shortly, I lugged the monster microwave out to the curb along with six bags of other items including a pair of roller blades, a dozen pairs of women's shoes, books, baskets, clothes, hockey gloves, hockey skates, and a phone. Somewhere along the line my wires got crossed and when I got home from work I found the collection of giveaways still sitting on the curb in front of our house. A voice mail message from ARC said they'd be stopping by today after 8am. Oh well we're just a day early I thought. No harm in that.

Later in the evening about 7:30pm my wife and I headed out on a stroll. When we returned to the house about forty five minutes later our front curb was clear. No microwave. No bags. No nothing. Someone had stopped by and poached it all. There were no signs on any of the items saying "free take me" and we had in fact marked the bags with the letters ARC to indicate their destination. This wasn't "walk off" stuff either. The perp had to have a car.

My wife was able to scavenge around and scrape up another three bags worth of items so that when the ARC truck showed up today they weren't left empty handed. Expect further reports on the breakdown of order in my neighborhood as events warrant.

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