Where Da Partay At?
While we're on the subject of Mitch Berg and scantily clad women, I was wondering if there was any update to report on Mitch's long promised autumn bash?
But it occurs to me that I need to do this. It's time to start planning my party, for this October. And I may just make it the first blog-centric decade-late housewarming in history - an occasion to meet the Twin Cities' small but pretty darn high-quality band of bloggers, among many others.
Of course, it's all dependent on finding a job (and there've been some positive developments in the past week, although obviously one development short of where I'd like it to be) by then. And a girlfriend would be nice to have by that point, too, although I'm not going to set my sights too high...
Granted the whole job thing hasn't come together for him quite yet but reliable reports indicate that Mitch has fulfilled the second requirement. One of out two ain't bad is it?
Time is of the essence for planning purposes as Saint Paul's social calendar does tend to fill up quite rapidly what with all the charitable balls, soirees, premiers, and Catilians that a man of his standing in the community is obligated to attend. Throw in Taco Tuesday's at the Lamplighter and his schedule has very few openings.
Get those invites out soon Mitch. A party's not really a party until you witness Saint Paul stumbling about with a lamp shade on his head, bellicosely reciting his favorite Walt Whitman verses. Good times. Good times.
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