Exit Minnesota's Mr. Right
Just announced on KSTP, Jason Lewis is leaving the station. He's taken a job in Charlotte, North Carolina and his last show on KSTP is on Friday.
I tuned in late so I didn't hear the official announcement. But in his later comments he was crediting the move to "looking out for his family" (read, more money). And also a more appreciative environment for a potential Jason Lewis candidacy for political office. I suspect the latter was a primary motivator, as he's made no secret of his desires to hold public office. But since he's alienated most of the Republican elites in Minnesota, his chances for getting a nomination were limited. Jason was more conservative than the local GOP establishment, and as was his style, disagreement turned into vitriol and burned bridges.
Although Jason and I have had our rough moments over the years, and he is responsible for costing me everlasting marital bliss, I'll miss the guy. Over his ten year career in the Twin Cities, he was an influential force on this young conservative. He was smarter than Rush (though not nearly as good a broadcaster) and I learned a lot from him over the years.
So farewell Jason, and I hope someday to turn on C-SPAN and see a certain freshman Congressman from Charlotte up in the well and raising hell about taxes.
Not sure who KSTP will get to take over for Jason. I suggest their morning guy Bob Davis, who has been a nice surprise growing into the role of a featured personality during morning drive. In the spirt of Don Vogel, his more entertainment based persona would play better in the late afternoons. And such a move would of course leave morning drive wide open for my man Dave Thompson.
But regardless of what KSTP does, Jason's departure removes the final impediment for Hugh Hewitt's domination of the local airwaves from 5 - 8 PM. Minnesota political junkies get ready for the move to AM1280. And prepare yourself to make the likes of Peter Bienart, Joshua Micah Marshall, and Irwin Chemerinsky members of your extended radio family. (Members of your extended radio Manson Family anyway).
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