Friday, September 19, 2003

Realpolitik West Coast Style

Long time F.O.F. JP checks in from Folsom, CA with what is probably the most honest and straight forward apprasial of the choice faced by conservatives in the California recall that I've yet come across:

I would like to be a Tombot because I have always liked his fiscal good sense. Unfortunately, Senator McClintock has as much a chance of winning as a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest. I also think the luster is starting to come off his conservative credentials by virtue of his stubborn insistence on staying in the race.

And speaking of Laura Ingraham, if you were listening to her Monday or Tuesday, you would have heard hear ask Tom McClintock about the Injuns donating casino money to Cruz Bustamante. McClintock, served up a nice hanging curve on a red-meat issue, jumped to the defense of Indian gaming and the casinos. I was absolutely stunned. He started talking about the historical mistreatment of the Indians, their sovereignty, etc.. At the time, I was surprised, and did not understand why, until I heard on Hugh Hewitt that the casinos are running Tombot commercials. At that point I wondered (in an e-mail to HH) whether Tom is naive for accepting their money, or cynically corrupt in selling out in exchange for the money. If the later, then he is still to naive to think that the Injuns really think he can win, and naive for thinking he can win. It has now, sadly, moved beyond principles.

The problem with "Ahnold" is I have yet to hear one damn thing that I agree with, other than his constant refrain about "Califoynians" being over-taxed. That sounds good, in theory, but to date there's no meat on the bones. I remain troubled by him, but I won't throw my vote away just to prove that I have principles.

Ultimately, it is about winning, and I think that only Ahnold can win. The decision is Ahnold vs. Cruz. Period. Nothing more. Unfortunately, there are a lot of "right-wing crazies" (Ahnold's term) who are still cheering for Tom and would prefer losing an election to sacrificing their principles. With thousands of absentee ballots already cast, HH may be correct in saying it may be too late.

So I am for Ahnold, but I am not happy about it. I like Tom, but am terribly troubled by his taking money from the Tribes, and he may lose my support in any future effort. In the end, we are going to have to govern this State through the Initiative process, as even with a nominally Republican governor, the Democrats in the assembly and senate are absolutely nuts. You have no idea how crazy those bastards are.

Hang in there JP. Don't let the bastards drag you down.

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