Wednesday, September 17, 2003

More Right Slights

Although none of the following descriptions of the Democratic presidential candidates are concise or pithy, they are undeniably disparaging. And funny, showing why Jonah Goldberg is one of the best, even when (especially when?) he’s slinging mud. Or as we fans of comedic mud slinging like to call it, engaging in satire. From today’s NRO Corner

It's hard not to make fun of Sharpton, Kucinich, and Braun. Lieberman looks like a rodeo clown who hasn't had his foundation make-up removed yet. Edwards is a trial lawyer who would still be a trial lawyer if he looked like Kucinich. I think I've said this before, but Dean's the sort of arrogant liberal who yells at you for buying the wrong book at his used book store. John Kerry looks like some suction-cup-fingered demon sucked-out his soul through his temples. Graham thinks he's doing history some great favor by recording his bowel movements on notepads.

But what am I supposed to say about Wesley Clark? He's too neat? I'm sure we'll find something, but for now it's vexing.

Jonah needs vex no longer, as the readers have found something and the Corner is now filling up with ways to send up Clark. Here’s the best so far:

Gene Healy, who compared Dean and Clark thusly : "Dean, unlike Clark, is able to blink and doesn't have a creepy thousand-yard stare that makes him look like he's ready to either burst out incongruously into giggles or stab you in the eye with a pen."

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