Tuesday, September 09, 2003

I Aint Honked A Rant Since I Don't Know When

Summer is singing it’s swan song. It’s another perfect day with radiant sun, blue skies and a soothing gentle breeze. So I’ll be outside today trying to enjoy it while it lasts and trying to create one more memory of a perfect summer day to sustain me in about mid-February.

However, the one thing I won’t miss is the juvenile a-holes revving their fuggin’ HARLEYS UP AND DOWN SYNDICATE AVENUE AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAY AND NIGHT!

You petulant, angry losers. Look at me! I’ve got a cycle that can be heard in Madison! I’m shaking up this neighborhood! When I roll down the street people are going to know it, by God!

It is exactly the way teens act at a mall. Talking as loud as they can, aggressively clowning around, staring at people, basically making the adults as uncomfortable as they can. The dilemma of being marginalized someone might call it--biting back at a society they don’t understand and that they don’t fit into.

But the difference, Harley Dudes, is that these people are children, dig? Children. You are adults and lord knows you probably feel marginalized yourself with the decline of masculinity, layoffs, divorce, etc. but can you do me a favor? Can you just grow the hell up and deal with it instead of taking it out on the rest of us?


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