Monday, September 01, 2003

Tell Me Where The Hate Is Coming From Again?

Mention Jesus Christ in your comic strip (as Johnny Hart of the strip 'B.C.' is apt to do now and again) and you stir up a Shiite storm of controversy. Some newspapers refuse to run your strip, other that do publish it receive a horde of letters from outraged readers. But call Republicans Nazis? (It's the September 1st strip) No problem. That after all is funny. Right?

The comic strip that perpatrated this latest slanderous outrage is called 'La Cucaracha' and appeared for the first time in the Minneapolis Star Tribune about six months ago. I read it for one week and then dropped it from my daily comic scan. Why? I disagreed with the politics and it wasn't funny. The same reasons I no longer read 'Doonesbury'. 'The Boondocks' can be infuriating politically at times but it also delivers a laugh now and again and so it remains in my rotation. The only reason I was aware of the nonsense spewed in 'La Cucaracha' today was that my wife happened to read it.

I understand that the creator of the strip, Lalo Alcaraz, thought he was being quite witty and oh so clever with his jab at Republicans. But perhaps he should take a moment to appreciate the connection he is making. I'm currently reading the book Masters of Death: The SS-Einsatzgruppen and the Invention of the Holocaust and I suggest that Mr. Alcarez and others on the left who pop off with the term Nazi at the drop of a hat, familiarize themselves with the true horrors of the regime before they so casually bandy the label about.

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