Wednesday, February 23, 2005


This week brings the apex of the self-selected awards season with the Oscars being presented on Sunday night. Never one to allow the spotlight to linger long elsewhere, we might as well get a jump on the 2005 FL Blogs of Distinction Awards (the BODies).

And I'm proud to announce the More Chins than the Shanghai White Pages Award goes to ....

Chad the Elder .... for briefly forgetting there just might be more than one David Johnson in Minnesota sending emails to people.

Sorry about that. But we're all learning the rules of the road on this information super highway. One of them clearly is, don't take at face value anything you read on obscure, inflammatory, partisan Internet sites. Instead, when looking for blogging material, rely solely on highly prominent, inflammatory, partisan Internet sites. Like

Late comment on the Hinderaker email kerfuffle that was getting the extreme left all hot and bothered the past few days. It is absolutely absurd. Sure, John is a highly regarded professional and in his personal life a class act all the way. And his moment of rhetorical frustration might provide shameful glee to those who wish him ill. I understand that. Envy and wrath are as old as humanity itself.

But, substantively speaking, is anybody really saying we can't write profanity-laced emails to each other anymore? Come on, this is still America, right? According to Ellis Island records, the exact reason my ancestors came to this country was the freedom to write profanity-laced emails to people. If that right gets taken away, by legislation or the shunning by the pious, Puritanical readership of the Daily Kos, then my friends, the terrorists (or is it John Ashkkkroft?) really have won.

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