Tuesday, July 31, 2007

...and a button nose and two guys still on the dole

Front page story in today's Wall Street Journal on the local creators of the infamous Snowman Video from the CNN/You Tube Debate (sub req):

MINNEAPOLIS -- Just a week ago, Nathan and Greg Hamel didn't know whether their talking snowman would be picked to ask a question during the CNN/YouTube Democratic presidential debate.

Now, their 18-second video, which asked candidates about their environmental policies, has turned "Billiam the Snowman" into a cold, wet symbol of all that's good and bad about efforts by voters and politicians to use the Internet to reach one another.

Snowman Wins," declared the Chicago Sun-Times after the debate. MSNBC personality Tucker Carlson, wrinkling his nose at "these homemade videos," nonetheless declared: "This is the future." The unemployed Hamel brothers, who live with their parents in a suburb of Minneapolis, have done interviews with local television, snagged a spot on the Wisconsin Public Radio game show "Whad'Ya Know?" and are working on a line of "Billiam the Snowman" T-shirts. They've also launched a "Billiam the Snowman" presidential exploratory committee -- online.

"We figured if he won the debate, he might as well run for president," Nathan says.

Feel the pride.

1 comment:

  1. أما النمل فهي حشرة تصاب بالتسمم حال تناولا للخيار ولا تستطيع أن تشم رائحة تواجد الطعام جيدًا حال تناولها السمسم شركة مكافحة حشرات بالرياض لذلك يمكن وضع قشور الخيار وقطع الخيار في أمكن وجحور تواجدها لتسمم النمل وتستخدم السمسم عدة مرات عند كل مرة ننظف فيها المنزل لكي يصاب النمل بتعطيل حاسة الشم وبالتالي لا يمكنه الحصول على الطعام، فيما يمكن قتل النمل نهائيًا باستخدام عجين الصودا رش مبيدات بالرياض والسكر معًا وهو يتم تحضيره من خلال وضع كيس من الصودا مع ثلاث ملاعق من السكر وتنظيف أرجاء المنزل به ووضعه في الثقوب أيضًا فيموت النمل في الحال.
