Monday, July 30, 2007

Deserving Better

When you visit China--with its communist government and its booming quasi-free market economy--you often end up asking yourself, how does all this work?

When you visit the Philippines--with its largely educated English-speaking people and close historical ties to the U.S.--you ask yourself, how does this not work?

If you went back twenty years and tried to predict what countries would emerge (along with China) in the next wave of Asian economic players, the Philippines would have seemed a natural choice. Marcos had just been removed from power. Finally, the people of the Philippines would have the freedom to realize their potential and fulfill their unmet expectations dreams.

So what happened? South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Thailand became the economic "tigers" of Asia, while the Philippines--despite its obvious advantages--lagged behind. There are a host of reasons for this opportunity lost, but most of it can be boiled down to poor and unstable government.

The Philippines should be the natural location for US companies seeking to get a foothold in Asia. As I mentioned earlier, you have a young, fairly well-educated populace. English is widely spoken and the culture--at least in the big cities--is probably the most Americanized in Asia. Why wouldn't you want to start up operations there if you're a US company?

Well, it doesn't help when the government gives every indication that it doesn't want you. The populist impulse of the movement that overthrew Marcos also led to a resentment of American influence and many Yankees heeded the message and went home along with the US military. Only in recent years has the government realized that foreign investment is critical to economic growth and that you need have a friendly business environment to entice multi-national companies.

Corruption and coups aren't confidence builders either. Businesses crave stability. They want to know what the rules are and that the government will be there to enforce them. Some of the countries that I mentioned above, probably aren't any "freer" or as free as the Philippines from a political perspective. But they are usually stable and successions follow elections (when held) without major disruptions.

It seems unfair to pin the old adage "you get the government that you deserve" on the Filipino people. But with democracy comes responsibility for your leaders. And if you look around the world at countries that work and those that don't, you find--with a few obvious exceptions--that the quality of the government is often the determining factor in a country's success or failure.

1 comment:

  1. أما النمل فهي حشرة تصاب بالتسمم حال تناولا للخيار ولا تستطيع أن تشم رائحة تواجد الطعام جيدًا حال تناولها السمسم شركة مكافحة حشرات بالرياض لذلك يمكن وضع قشور الخيار وقطع الخيار في أمكن وجحور تواجدها لتسمم النمل وتستخدم السمسم عدة مرات عند كل مرة ننظف فيها المنزل لكي يصاب النمل بتعطيل حاسة الشم وبالتالي لا يمكنه الحصول على الطعام، فيما يمكن قتل النمل نهائيًا باستخدام عجين الصودا رش مبيدات بالرياض والسكر معًا وهو يتم تحضيره من خلال وضع كيس من الصودا مع ثلاث ملاعق من السكر وتنظيف أرجاء المنزل به ووضعه في الثقوب أيضًا فيموت النمل في الحال.
