Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Where Did I Leave That Fork?

Ah, yes, now I remember...I left that fork in the Minnesota Twins since I have officially declared them done. After inexcusably being swept by the division leading Tigers last week they are currently wrapping up a dismal 4 game stretch against the Angels and Blue Jays in which they have been outscored 33-7. I say currently because the hitting impaired bums are being hammered by the Jays 13-1 as I type this.

While their pathetic season can be blamed primarily on their lack of pop at the plate, I chose to aim a little bit of my ire at their completely inadequate pitching staff. To illustrate, here is Juan Rincon's line from today's game:

Innings Pitched: 0.0
Number of Pitches: 14
Hits: 3
Runs: 4
Earned Runs: 4
Walks: 1
Strikeouts: 0

And that's a fairly good outing from Juan since he's been off the juice. Regardless, I vow right now to never attend another game as long as Juan Rincon is wearing a Twins uniform. Unless it's dollar hot dog day, of course.

Thinking about it, however, that doesn't seem like a harsh enough penalty for this team being the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked. Maybe what these guys deserve is a Major League style downgrade to their locker room facilities and equipment. Hmmm...I wonder if I know anyone who has the ability to make that happen?

The Elder Jabs His Fork In: Maybe it's the uniforms. Can you get them cotton? They're cooler, they're more comfortable...they're happier - they're gonna play better.

I missed the game last night, but tuned in to the post-game to catch Ron "Homer" Coomer talking about how Baker had just pitched a good game, but made a couple of mistakes by leaving the ball up. Not knowing the score, I wasn't sure if that meant the Twins had won or maybe lost a close one.

Then they flashed the final. Jays 7 Twins 0. Baker gave up four runs in seven innings. While that wasn't a terrible performance, it doesn't exactly fit my definition of pitching a "good game" especially when your team just got their clock cleaned.

Why must these announcers insist on treating us like children?

1 comment:

  1. نقدم لك حل طبيعي وسهل للتخلص من البقع والحل هو استخدام الخل والصودا للتخلص من كافة انواع البقع حيث يمكن التخلص من بقع الدهون وبقع الزيت سواء كانت على الجدران والحوائط أو كانت على الأرضيات والأسطح باستخدام محلول الصودا والخل الذي يفتت البقع ناهيك عن كونه يعتبر معقم قوي وفعال لقتل البكتريا وبالأخص عند إضافة سائل التنظيف معه، فللتخلص من البقع
    شركة تنظيف بالدمام
    ويجيب على تساؤلات عملائنا الكرام خبراء على أعلى مستوى حيث يقوم خبراء شركة تنظيف منازل بالدمام والمتخصصون في مجال التنظيف والصحة العامة على تقديم إجابات وافية على استفسارات عملائنا وتقديم حلول للشكاوى المقدمة وسط الحرص على استخدام أحدث التقنيات وبالاعتماد على مواد طبيعية تحافظ على صحة الإنسان ولا تكون عبء على ميزانية المنزل.
