Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Still Skeptical After All These Fears

Forrest heps us to an e-mail sent out by the Sierra Club promoting a web site designed to silence those pesky global warming skeptics once and for all:

So, Uncle Henry gets a sadistic smile on his face whenever he sees you, "So, Chicken Little, still trying to claim the sky is falling?" Many of us have climate skeptics in our lives - those people who always find a way to deny that global warming is an issue. Well, now you've got a tool on your side. Grist, an online environmental news and discussion site, has put together a one-stop shop, including a comprehensive list of theories, arguments, and rants frequently used by climate skeptics, along with pithy, annotated responses that will leave Uncle Henry rushing back to his talk radio station for solace.

Stereotype much? Anyway, here is the site in question:

How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic

Below is a complete listing of the articles in "How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic," a series by Coby Beck containing responses to the most common skeptical arguments on global warming.

Being a noted skeptic (or crank if you will) of the "sky is falling" climate change religion myself, I decided to take a look. At first glance the site is very impressive. They've done a good job assembling a list of the most common arguments presented against anthropogenic global warming leading to untold disasters for the planet and the need AND ability to stop it.

But when you start reading some of the individual topics themselves, you will see that while the responses are indeed pithy and annotated, they often don't stand up to scrutiny once skeptical commenters (including some with a PHD behind their name) start weighing in. Then, the climate change faithful (including the series author himself Coby Beck) usually come back with an "Well, even if it's not exactly true, we still should be alarmed because..." or try to discredit the source of the contrary evidence because of exaggerated ties to the oil industry (I saw him getting gas at an Exxon station just last week!).

No solace needed.

1 comment:

  1. نقدم لك حل طبيعي وسهل للتخلص من البقع والحل هو استخدام الخل والصودا للتخلص من كافة انواع البقع حيث يمكن التخلص من بقع الدهون وبقع الزيت سواء كانت على الجدران والحوائط أو كانت على الأرضيات والأسطح باستخدام محلول الصودا والخل الذي يفتت البقع ناهيك عن كونه يعتبر معقم قوي وفعال لقتل البكتريا وبالأخص عند إضافة سائل التنظيف معه، فللتخلص من البقع
    شركة تنظيف بالدمام
    ويجيب على تساؤلات عملائنا الكرام خبراء على أعلى مستوى حيث يقوم خبراء شركة تنظيف منازل بالدمام والمتخصصون في مجال التنظيف والصحة العامة على تقديم إجابات وافية على استفسارات عملائنا وتقديم حلول للشكاوى المقدمة وسط الحرص على استخدام أحدث التقنيات وبالاعتماد على مواد طبيعية تحافظ على صحة الإنسان ولا تكون عبء على ميزانية المنزل.
